VIRTUAL | 7 Steps to Feeling Confident and Comfortable with Virtual Small Talk
Think you’re good at small talk? Perhaps before the pandemic, you felt confident with your small talk skills and then were thrown into a Zoom room and found out your skills didn’t quite translate. Or, perhaps you weren’t confident prior to the pandemic, and you try to avoid Zoom room small talk at all costs. Either way, Zoom rooms and virtual small talk are here to stay. In this program Laura Janusik, aka #DrJListen, will provide you with 7 research-based tips to implement immediately to make you a virtual small talk star! Instead of avoiding meetings and signing on at the last minute, people will want to sign up early just so they can talk with you! Join this amazing hands-on session to practice virtual small talk secrets. As an added bonus, you’ll network with amazing others from Central Exchange!
Join us to...
Join us to...
- Understand the 7 easy points to becoming a virtual small talk star
- Apply the 7 points of virtual small talk so you can begin fine tuning what makes you feel comfortable and confident with virtual small talk
- Meet and network with amazing people from Central Exchange!
On a scale of 1 to 10, how confident do you feel in your virtual small talk skills? Laura Janusik, #DrJListen, can help you find out! Laura has worked with hundreds of clients and found that many feel insecure with this new virtual world of small talk. It’s an important skill to master, as it’s the equivalent of running into someone at the water cooler. It’s how those in your company will remember you and how those you don’t know yet will form a lasting impression of you! No pressure, right? Not to worry, DrJListen has your back!
Laura is leveraging her world-wide recognized expertise in teaching and training listening in Communication to help people with research-based solutions that work. These communication solutions will help you know how to confidently show up virtually. Laura's 20 years of experience as a listening and communication researcher and professor with a PhD in Communication and a MBA, help her clients feel more comfortable with their social interactions. Her research has been published nationally and internationally, and her research and ideas have been cited in publications including Forbes, Harvard Business Review, The Wall Street Journal, NPR, and US News and World Report.
Connect with Laura on LinkedIn, email, or through her website,
Date and Time
Wednesday May 4, 2022
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CDT
Webinar via Zoom - access this program remotely from your computer, tablet, or smartphone + dial-in available.
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Contact Information
Carrie Taylor
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